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Are you struggling with lack of accountability, knowledge and guidance to fuel your fitness journey? Our expert guidance not only keeps you accountable, but also equips you with the personalised advice you need to consistently progress towards and reach your goals.


No more restrictive or cookie-cutter diets. No more copy and paste training plans.


If you're ready to make a change, complete the form below to start your journey with Team Absolute Athlete. We'll be in touch to discuss a suitable program, tailored to you.



Ready to join Team Absolute Athlete?


No matter your goal we have a program for you. Get in touch via the contact form above to ask questions and book your FREE call, where we'll discuss the right plan to help you achieve your desired results.

Nutrition Only


With Coach Jasmine
$75 AUD/week
With Coach Shaun
$62.50 AUD/week

Perfect for those that are already in a good training routine or have their training under control via a PT/group fitness.

You will receive:

- Weekly check in's with us personally, ongoing support & accountability.

- Personalised macronutrient/calorie targets based on your goals. Plus ongoing adjustments each week as needed.
- Example meal plans as needed

- Form video feedback- we will provide feedback to ensure you are getting the most out of each movement and lifting with correct form.

- A copy of our "Guide to Flexible Dieting", "How to Track Whilst Eating Out" and "Macro Cheat Sheet" to help you reach your goals! 

- Access to our private facebook forum!
PLUS everything within our "Nutrition & Training" package, minus training.

Nutrition & Training


With Coach Jasmine
$125 AUD/week

With Coach Shaun
$100 AUD/week


Most suited to those with specific training requests- focus areas, mixed training styles, or minor injuries.


This package is everything you need to achieve your physique goals


You will receive: 

- Weekly check in's for accountability & support to ensure goals are being reached.

- 6-10 week training block with planned progression and customisation based on your requests & goals.

- Personalised macronutrient targets/calories based on your goals.

- Daily step goal

- Copy of our "Guide to Flexible Dieting"

- Access to our private facebook forum
- Personal account on our app.

- Copy of our "How to Track Whilst Eating Out" and "Macro Cheat Sheet" + more!

Competition Prep


With Coach Jasmine
$150 AUD/week
With Coach Shaun
$125 AUD/week


The ultimate package for anyone looking to compete.


-100% Personalised Training Program

- Weekly check ins/Un-capped support.

- Show day checklist

- Peak weak protocols and adjustments.

- Weekend support on your show weekend.

- Show Day meal plan

- Posing recommendations

- Bikini, trunks, hair, shoes and makeup suggestions.

- New goal creation post show and mandatory reverse diet and recovery phase & so much more.

PLUS everything within our "Nutrition & Training" package.







Meet Coach Shaun Fitzsimmons

Work With Coach Shaun From $62.50 AUD per week

Shaun has been a coach at #teamAbsoluteAthlete for over 2 years and has been a coach and trainer for over 12 years!

Shaun grew up in the fitness industry and went straight into personal training after finishing school. He has been involved in a variety of sports, including rugby and basketball. As well as Powerlifting, which he has both coached and competed in. He's now an ICN Pro Athlete and has been Jasmine's personal coach for the past 4 years. 

Shaun is passionate about helping you work towards your goals, big or small. His vast knowledge and skillset means he is well equipped to work with anyone thats ready to put in the work and see results.


Are you ready to work with Shaun? Book a consult call now.

Meet Coach Jasmine Templin

Work With Coach Jasmine From $75 AUD per week

Jasmine has been a coach and owner of #teamAbsoluteAthlete for over 7 years and has been heavily involved in the industry from a very young age.


She's a qualified Sports Nutritionist and Personal Trainer, as well as an ICN Bikini Pro Athlete.

Jasmine competed in her first bodybuilding competition at 14 years old and has been consistently competing ever since. She started working in a gym as a personal trainer at 15 years old and still trains/coaches those same clients today.


She is passionate about helping others to not only reach their fitness and physique goals, but to do it in a way that’s empowering and feels good. Because you CAN have both!


Join the waitlist to work with Jasmine. Current wait time is 4-6 weeks.



Shaun at Absolute Athlete has been the perfect support I needed to helping me achieve my health and fitness goals.


A busy lifestyle of working an hour away from home provided many excuses to not put health and fitness high on my priority list. It is easy to put the needs of my work, my husband, family and friends before myself.


I found a holistic approach to nutrition and exercise, and can fit healthy eating and exercise into my busy lifestyle. As well as still being flexible with nutrition and still enjoying all of life's events. Shaun has provided excellent support, education and encouragement. He is always there no matter what!


The flexibility of training when it works for me, having 24 hour access to my programs / to ask any questions, with each program being tailored to my specific goals has been perfect for my needs. Shauns nutrition education enabled me to have an educated approach to eating rather than dieting. Shaun is a wealth of knowledge with nutrition and training. I feel like I have got all the elements correct required to live a healthy and happy life without missing out on the finer things, this is all thanks to Shaun.


He has literally changed my life for the better, in so many ways. I have never felt more comfortable in my skin than when I’m working with Shaun. I will forever be grateful.


-Caitlin C


I started coaching under Shaun about 4 years ago and it was definitely what I needed to kickstart my journey.


He has helped me consistently build muscle over that time, with a progressive training block suited to me and with the right strategies to manage any injuries and setbacks along the way.


Through this time we have built my calories up to over 2-3x the amount I was eating previously and we have run a few mini cuts here and there when we needed to.


He has even helped me to successfully compete in my first powerlifting comp which is something I never thought beforehand I would be able to do.


I’m grateful to Shaun for all that he has done for me and if you're struggling with adherence and consistency to your diet and training I would highly recommend Shaun as a coach.


- Mitch F


I have been training with Shaun for over 18 months now. He has coached me throughout multiple stages of my fitness journey and even lead me through a successful first contest bodybuilding prep, and now progressing into bigger powerlifting movements.


Shaun has extensive knowledge in nutrition and training. He is professional, passionate, extremely knowledgeable and patient. As a pro bodybuilder and powerlifter Shaun can also relate to what you're experiencing, so he has a great understanding of not just the physical aspect but also the mental side of training. 


He is always quick to respond to any questions I have and his attention to detail and care in all aspects, especially during a contest prep was exactly what I needed.


I highly recommend anyone looking for a coach to train with Shaun. No matter your goal - bodybuilding, powerlifting or general lifestyle Shaun has always been able to cater to my goals.


- Grace H

Still Have Questions?

Get in touch with us at

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